Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Creating CATALOG Database in Oracle

Catalog Database creation:

I am using my windows os and oracle 11.2.0 express edition for catalog database

My database sid is XE and hotname is bhasskar-pc

1. Disable your firewall first

2. Network configuration: (for catalog and target databases)

In linux: 

#su - oracle

check if there is any listenter running 

$ps -ef | grep tns

check the hostname and note it down for forther user



add listenter (give hostname and port number)

add database (give db details)
save the network configuration details

it will create listenter.ora file at ORACLE_HOME/network/admin location

start the listeners
start database first.

 $lsnrctl start listener;

check the listeners status until it changes 

$lsnrctl status listenter;

check the xe status as 'READY' has 1 instances


add 'local net service name configuration'

it will create tnsnames.ora file at ORACLE_HOME/network/admin location


In windows or linux 

u can create manually these files and details as follows



create files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora  files, and 
add listeners



    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
      (SID_NAME = XE )


      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bhasskar-PC)(PORT = 1521))


XE =

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bhasskar-PC)(PORT = 1521))
       (SERVICE_NAME = XE)


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))

NOTE:  ORCL is the tnsname configured in the target server who has a database
sid is orcl and the hostname is 'lcoalhost.localdomain'. you can do it alter.

shutdown the database

3. catalog database configuraton:

before starting the database

create password file at oracle_home/dbs location (in xe 'oracle_home'/database')

$orapwd   file=orapw  password=pass  force=y

start the database

sql> create tablespace  rcat datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/rcat.dbf' size 100m;

sql> create user rcat identified by rcat  default tablespace rcat;

sql> grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rcat;

sql> conn rcat/rcat;

sql> select * from tab;

after database creation at target side it will show all 149 views 

4. Start the listeners (at os level):

start the listeners if you need

$lsnrctl start listener;

check the listeners status until it changes 

$lsnrctl status listenter;

check the xe status as 'READY' has 1 instances

check if any listenter are running 

$ps -ef | grep tns

5. target database configuration: (In linux)

my database sid is orcl and hostname is 'localhost.localdomain'

a. first do the network configuraton 

b. create a password file at oracle_home/dbs location
c. start the database
d. start the listeners
e. connect to the rman 

$> rman targer /   catalog rcat/rcat@XE

if it is connected to orcl and xe databases

rman> create catalog

rman> register database

6. In the catalog database:

check whether the views are created in rcat

sql>select * from tab;

sql> select * from rc_database;

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