Friday, 5 September 2014

Creating DUPLICATE (Clone) Database Using RMAN Backup

Prerequisites Common to All Forms of Duplication

RMAN must be connected as AUXILIARY to the instance of the duplicate database. The instance of the duplicate database is called the auxiliary instance. The auxiliary instance must be started with the NOMOUNT option.
The source host is the database on which the source database resides. The destination host is the host on which you intend to create the duplicate database. If you intend to create the duplicate database on the source host, then set the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter appropriately so that the DUPLICATE command does not generate an error because the source control file is in use. Also, set all *_DEST initialization parameters appropriately so that the source database files are not overwritten by the duplicate database files.
The source and duplicate databases must be on the same platform. In the context of DUPLICATE, 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same platform are considered the same platform. For example, Linux IA (32-bit) is considered the same platform as Linux IA (64-bit). However, after duplicating a database between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, you must run the utlirp.sql script to convert the PL/SQL code to the new format. This script is located inORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin on Linux and UNIX platforms.
The DUPLICATE command requires one or more auxiliary channels. These channels perform the work of the duplication on the auxiliary database instance. In the following circumstances, RMAN uses the channel configuration from the source database for auxiliary channels:
  • You have not used ALLOCATE CHANNEL to manually allocate auxiliary channels.
  • You have not used CONFIGURE to configure auxiliary channels.
If you have configured automatic target channels to use CONNECT strings, then RMAN attempts to replicate the channel allocation on the auxiliary instance. However, if you must control or vary the channel allocation for duplication, you should manually allocate auxiliary channels.
If the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set greater than or equal to 11.0.0, then by default RMAN duplicates transportable tablespaces that were not made read/write after being transported. Otherwise, RMAN cannot duplicatetransportable tablespaces unless they have been made read/write after being transported.
The following database encryption features both use the wallet: transparent data encryption, which functions at the column level, and tablespace encryption. If you are duplicating an encrypted tablespace, then you must manually copy the wallet to the duplicate database.

Purpose of Database Duplication

A duplicate database is useful for a variety of purposes, most of which involve testing. You can perform the following tasks in a duplicate database:

  • Test backup and recovery procedures
  • Test an upgrade to a new release of Oracle Database
  • Test the effect of applications on database performance
  • Create a standby database
  • Generate reports
As part of the duplicating operation, RMAN automates the following steps:
  1. Creates a default server parameter file for the auxiliary instance if the following conditions are true:
    • Duplication does not involve a standby database.
    • Server parameter files are not being duplicated.
    • The auxiliary instance was not started with a server parameter file.
  2. Restores from backup or copies from active database the latest control file that satisfies the UNTIL clause requirements.
  3. Mounts the restored or copied backup control file from the active database.
  4. Uses the RMAN repository to select the backups for restoring the data files to the auxiliary instance. This step applies to backup-based duplication.
  5. Restores and copies the duplicate data files and recovers them with incremental backups and archived redo log files to a noncurrent point in time.
  6. Shuts down and restarts the database instance in NOMOUNT mode.
  7. Creates a new control file, which then creates and stores the new DBID in the data files.
  8. Opens the duplicate database with the RESETLOGS option and creates the online redo log for the new database.
Check this Link:

Target database name = db10g
Duplicate database name = db10g_dup
Catalog database name= catalog
tnsname for target =db10g
tnsnames for catalog= catalog

1. take full RMAN backup for target database.
2. take standby controlfile backup.


3. Copy (SCP) database backup and controlfile to the same backup location (mount point) in source server.


Step 1: create pfile from the  "db10g" database
SQL> create pfile from spfile;

Step 2: Rename the pfile as initdb10g_dup.ora
Edit initdb10g_dup.ora file for duplicate database.
*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=db10gXDB)'

Note : parameters marked in red are important

Step 3:  Start the listener
$ lsnrctl start

Step 4: Set the environment for the dulplicate database.
$export ORACLE_SID=db10g_dup

Step 5: Start the database
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Sql>startup nomount

Step 6: Connect to RMAN
$rman target=system/system@dba10g catalog=rman/rman@catalog auxiliary /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Jan 1 08:39:20 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
connected to target database: DBA10G (DBID=231273269)
connected to recovery catalog database
connected to auxiliary database: DB10G _DUP(DBID=99469477)

Rman >run{

allocated channel: aux1
channel aux1: sid=156 devtype=DISK
Starting Duplicate Db at 01-JAN-10
contents of Memory Script:
contents of Memory Script:
   Alter clone database open resetlogs;
executing Memory Script
database opened
Finished Duplicate Db

Step 7: Create spfile from memory. If necessary.

Step 8:  check whether is there any invalid objects or not.
sql> select count(*) from dba_objects where stauts like 'INVALID';

Step 9: check dba_directory for invalid paths. if there is any resolve them.

Step 10: check dba_db_links. if there is any resolve them.

Step 11: Add an entry in /etc/oratab file

Step 12: Register with the rman recovery catalog if necessary.

Remove "DB_UNIQUE_NAME" from parameter file if cloning in same server.
It gives  cant open database in exclusive mode' issue

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